Renzo Borgonovo Srl embossing machines can perform the most various jobs and serve many different industries, from picture frames and mouldings manufacturers to parquet flooring and wall panels finishing companies. Our embossing machines engrave either directly on wood by hot embossing, or with the use of wood pulp, using cold, concave wheels. Our models different from each other mainly for the sizes and thus their embossing widths. Additionally, we offer special models for the embossing of wooden beams (machines featuring an important embossing height) and models able to hot emboss two or more sides of the work –piece simultaneously (machines featuring two or more embossing heads).

300 /I /ITI /P
Embossing Width – Height: 100 mm. – 150 mm.
Hot and cold embossing.
Use: picture frames, mouldings, linear profiles.

500 /ITI /P /RP
Embossing Width: 500 mm.
Hot and cold embossing.
Use: flooring, panels, bigger frames, mouldings

1000 /ITI /P
Embossing Width – Height: 1000 mm. – 150 mm.
Hot and cold embossing.
Use: wall panels, doors, tables, flooring.

1300 /ITI /P
Embossing Width – Height: 1300 mm.- 150 mm.
Hot and cold embossing.
Use: wall panels, doors, tables, flooring.

2400 /ITI
Max embossing width: 2400 mm.
Processes: Hot Embossing
Main use: Big wood/MDF panels

Special models
Embossing Width – Height: 100 to 1300 mm. – 150 to 500 mm.
Hot embossing.
Use: small and big beams, two or three surface embossing